Film Scripts

What are the essential elements of a film script?
What is a film script?
A film script is a written text of a film, including instructions for the actors and directions for filming; a screenplay.-Google dictionary
Page margins: For the margins there is set rule on size they have to be. For example the top margin has a rule, it needs to be one inch. Your bottom margin and right margin, can vary up to a quarter-inch. Your left margin you need to allow space for three-hole punch binding so roughly one-and-a-half inches.

Font and page numbers: the font you uses has also got a set rule, it must be courier font and 12 points. This font is the standard to the entertainment industry.
First line:  The first line should be FADE IN all uppercase, flush left, and followed by a colon all by itself. Then you start the scene
DISSOLVE: Is all capital letters, followed by a colon, and flush right, because most scenes end with a cut there is no point pointing out the obvious. Only use transitions when absolutely necessary.

Action and dialogue: films are made up of scenes and scenes are usually made up of dialogue and action. Action extends out to both margin. Dialogue is indented and runs down the centre of the page, the left indent between and inch and one-and-a-half inches from the left margin, and right indent of about an inch and a half. Above will be the character cue and it is indented about an inch more than the dialogue.

Title page and binding: the title (fly)page, needs to use the same courier, 12 point font as the rest of you script. The title goes about a third of the way down the page, centred between the left and right margin, and typed in capital letters.Double space, then switching to lower-case letters, type the word by, double space again and type your name, with only the first letters capitalised.


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