Script idea/plan


Why is it, that in society we are forced to wear a mask?(pause for 2 seconds) We lie not only to ourselves but the people who care so much about us. We loose ourselves in the lies we have created and begin to live them. We become our (pause for 2 seconds) masked self.
(pause for 5 seconds)
This girl, believes she lives a truthful life, she refuses to think she lives within lies. But, this girl hides behind a mask, in order to fit into these stereotypes that society have forced upon us. she hides behind the mask to convince herself and others that she fits into a group, that she is just like everyone else. she hides in order to reach these high standards of society and the requirement we need to reach in order to fell worthy, as if we belong here and not just fill the space. I wish for once this girl would remove the mask and in full honesty say that she is (pause for 2 seconds) happy.(pause for 2 seconds) That she looks perfect the way she is, believe herself when she says she doesn't need to be size 6 to feel pretty. I hope that some day soon this girl will not feel trapped in the place that we call our society. 
(pause for 5 seconds) 
This girl, hides behind the mask to hide her emotions from her friends. She feels the constant urge to switch her mask to enable other people to like her, to fit in. (pause for 2 seconds). When she stands in front of people she is seen for only the mask she has created, her friends begin to forget who she is, and she begins to fade away from those who know her better than she knows herself. while she stands there she feels comfortable not in herself or the person she has become but the lies she has created to be her story,her truth,(pause for 2 seconds) herself. She changes her mask in order to become an unrealistic standard for others. I believe one day she will look back on this day and see the unrealistic standards she was trying to reach. I wish she will no longer wish to be anything but herself. That she will not need to impress everyone as quality is better than quantity. One day she will say i'm okay without everyone's love my friends love me and so does my family. That's what matters.
(Pause for 5 seconds)
At school this girl doesn't have a voice. she is silenced by society, she is manipulated into thinking she needs to know the answer to every question. In lesson she hides behind a smile, a smile that since a young age she has a learnt to wear like it was her skin. She sits silently as if a ghost in the classroom, to the teacher she invisible. she is seen in no way different to anyone else, she is seen to have the same ability as the person sat next to her(pause for 2 seconds). And these feelings are what keeps the mask on. The fear of the unknown, the fear of not living up to the standards the teachers set. And the fear of being judged for the questions she doesn't know. I wait for the day that this girl excepts what she doesn't know, she doesn't feel as if she needs to hide from the teachers. Girl behind the mask please ask your teacher for help, do not feel silenced by the society or you teacher, please feel comfortable to ask for help, ask for it to be repeated, or just say that you do not yet fully understand. I beg you to make your uncertainly know and not hide behind this smile. The smile we have all learnt to hide behind.
Girl behind the mask please realize who you are before its to late. 
I am the girl behind the mask and I am Alex        


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